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Probate Lawyer Cheyenne, WY

probate lawyer Cheyenne, WY

Legal Assistance With The Probate Process

If you are looking for legal assistance with the process of probate, contact our Cheyenne, WY probate lawyer today. Probate is the process by which the assets and will of the deceased party are reviewed, verified, converted into an estate, and distributed. This process can at times be complex and difficult to navigate, especially in the aftermath of the loss of a loved one. Our dedicated probate lawyers have over 50 years of combined experience helping clients navigate the probate process in Wyoming. We will work hard to handle all legal aspects of probate for you, so that you can focus on your personal responsibilities and move forward after a loss. To discuss your probate case with our team, contact Davis & Johnson Law Office today.

What Is Probate?

Probate is a legal process undertaken by the court to validate and verify the will and estate left behind by the deceased. The purpose of probate is to ensure that the will is valid and enforceable and that all assets are distributed according to the wishes of the will and in a fair and ordered manner. In the process of probate, the will and entire estate plan are confirmed, a representative is appointed to the estate, all relevant assets and property are identified, the payment of remaining debts and taxes are sorted, and the assets and property in question are distributed to their beneficiaries in accordance to the wishes of the will.

Probate involves the filing of legal documents, paperwork, possible court appearances, and possible negotiations and mediations if disputes arise between beneficiaries. Our Cheyenne probate attorney will handle all legal matters of probate for you to ensure that the court and its decisions accurately reflect the wishes of the will and what is rightfully owed to the beneficiaries. We work hard to avoid any delays or disputes and to quickly resolve disputes if they do arrive so that assets can be sorted as quickly as possible, allowing you and your family to mourn and move forward after a difficult loss.

The Process Of Probate In Cases Without A Will

If the deceased party did not leave a will or estate plan behind, the probate court will distribute assets and property in accordance with state laws. Our experienced Wyoming probate lawyer has an extensive knowledge and understanding of these laws and will help you ensure that all laws are followed and your rights are protected in this process.

Contact Our Probate Lawyer Today

If you find yourself facing the process of probate after a loved one, you should know that you do not have to face it alone. Our team is ready to help you and your family navigate this process and ensure that all of your rights and interests as beneficiaries are protected as we do so. We will do everything in our power to make probate go as quickly and smoothly for you. To begin receiving our assistance with your probate case, contact Davis & Johnson Law Office today to schedule a consultation.

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1807 Capitol Ave Suite 200, Cheyenne, Wyoming 82001