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Workers’ Compensation Lawyer Wyoming

workers' compensation lawyer Wyoming

Our Wyoming Workers’ Compensation Lawyer Stands Up For Workers’ Rights

Not all Wyoming employers are required to carry workers’ compensation insurance. The Wyoming Department of Workforce Services requires that employers in extra-hazardous industries must obtain coverage through the agency. Failure to do so can carry serious legal consequences for that business. Some employers are exempt from the requirement to have worker’s comp insurance, but they must register this status with the Department of Workforce Services. If you have been injured at work or developed an occupational illness or disease, our Wyoming workers’ compensation lawyer can help you assert your rights and secure the benefits you’re entitled to.

Although your job may be inherently dangerous, your employer is still required to provide adequate safety gear and training protocols to reduce the risk of workplace injury. If your employer fails to do so or you have difficulties getting your claim approved, we can help. Contact Davis & Johnson Law Office today for a free consultation.

Your Rights Under Wyomng Workers’ Compensation Law

Wyoming workers’ compensation benefits are paid by the employer. This is free to you and provides coverage in case you are hurt on the job. You file your claim through your employer, then follow their directions, such as getting medical care through an approved doctor or clinic. Usually, this process is fairly straightforward, and many injured workers are able to get the treatment they need to remove and get back to work with no problem. Workers’ comp benefits don’t just include medical care. You also receive a partial wage replacement, so you can cover your bills while you’re out of work.

If you have difficulties getting the benefits you’re entitled to, though, and you aren’t sure where to turn, our attorneys can help. We are well-versed in Wyoming law and have a strong history of successfully settling workers’ compensation disputes.

We Can Help You With Your Worker’s Compensation Dispute

Some employers may delay submitting their side of the paperwork for a workers’ compensation claim, which can delay your benefits. Others may deny the claim outright. While there are certain grounds for denial, sometimes the employer denies the claim because they don’t want to pay for it. We help you with a delayed or denied claim, standing up for your rights.

Some workers’ comp disputes arise over the validity of the claim itself or contentions of how the injury happened. Other disputes arise over the amount of the wage stipend. If you are a tipped or commissioned worker or have other unusual methods of compensation, then your base wage may be quite small. For example, your employer may claim that you make X, but you may actually make Y once your tips or commissions are factored in. We fight for the highest amount possible under Wyoming law.

You have the right to appeal a denied claim. Our firm can draft and file your appeal and present it before the appeals board. This allows you to focus on healing and getting back on your feet while we handle the legal end of your dispute.

The attorneys at Davis & Johnson Law Office advocate for workers’ rights, including your rights to workers’ compensation benefits. If you have a problem securing your rightful benefits, please call us for a free consultation with our Wyoming workers’ compensation lawyer.

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1807 Capitol Ave Suite 200, Cheyenne, Wyoming 82001